Saturday, November 17, 2018

Here’s to the Kids from the 1990s

By Joel Seppala

Here’s to the kids from the 1990s
Before Harry, Ronny, and Hermione

Before Macaulay Culkin grew up shaggy
When hair was short and pants were baggy

When Pearl jammed after Fraggle rocked
When people sat with cordless phones and talked

When the Cowboys were good and the Patriots stunk
When Leo held to the board while Titanic sunk

When Austin Powers said “Yeah, Baby!”
You’d get a funny look if you said, “Call me, maybe.”

When the Twin Towers still gleamed in the Gotham sun
And people knew when someone said, “Run, Forrest, Run”

Before LeBron, there was a guy named Mike
Who everyone wanted to be just like

We had “Home Improvement,” before HGTV
And cartoons on Saturday morning, for free!

Not every other movie ended in “2”
And the stars were mostly people we knew

I love my internet and instant know-how
But sometimes I still look back and say, "Wow."