Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Matthew Chambers

I was in an airport today when a page came across the intercom system for a gentlemen to return to the gate to retrieve something he'd left there. In this poem I attempt to personalize what so often are the most impersonal types of messages.

Matthew Chambers

By Joel Seppala

If your name is Matthew Chambers
Please return to the gate
If your name is Matthew Chambers
Please return and don't be late

Matthew Chambers you've forgotten
Something very dear to you
Matthew Chambers please come back
If we're still near enough to you

Matthew Chambers, Matthew Chambers
Which one of you is he?
Matthew Chambers, Matthew Chambers
Oh where now could you be?

Attention, Matthew Chambers
I say attention, if you please
Attention Matthew Chambers
Come at once, hurry please!

We're all a Matthew Chambers
Scurrying on our way
Forgetting and not listening
Scurrying on our way

The intercom goes silent
Did Matthew Chambers hence return?
Little do we know
And nary shall we learn