Friday, September 14, 2018

"God Will Provide" Announcement, Archive (Transferred from WordPress Blog, Originally Posted 1-30-16)

“God Will Provide” uplifting new e-book for children by Joel Seppala, illustrated by Kirstin Eggers available now!
After three months of working the collaborative creative process between myself and the very talented illustrator Kirstin Eggers (, I am very proud to announce that the children’s book “God Will Provide” is now live for sale on
The synopsis is: Squirrel remains faithful to God, no matter the circumstances. Through storm and sunshine, Squirrel sees firsthand that God’s love never fails even–or perhaps especially–for the small and meek.
The target audience is for kids in grades K-3 or ages 5-8.
I’m very happy with the product and I hope you will check it out. The cost for the book is $1.79. The book is only available as an e-book so you’ll have to read it on your computer, Kindle, or i-Device
The book is dedicated to Melissa Seppala. It was her idea to make the poem, which I wrote 6 or 7 years ago, into a book. She mentioned the possibility of a book the first time she heard it. She has been a constant motivator, encouraging me and giving me feedback every step of the way
I hope you like it!
Glory Be to God!

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