Monday, July 1, 2019

Lunch Break

I thought Id take account today
Of all the things that've come my way
Or that I can plainly see
From my bench
On the Mall
In old DC
There's geese a-swimming in a
Green ripply pond
Some folks look
But most move on
Achy feet or
Scooter bikes
Wheelchairs, or
Strollers for the little tikes
I hear a-plenty
A German tour with
More than 20
I've seen horse-mounted cops and
Black sedans
Souvenirs and hotdog stands
Along the asphalt trail with simple benches
Like the one lI've already mentioned
Portajohns wrapped up with tape
If you gotta go
You'll have to wait
So many people
Come to see
The head of this land made
For you, For me
If you make your way out here
I think, you too
Will be amazed
At what you see and hear

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