Saturday, March 21, 2020

Raise Her High

Hail Old Glory, raise her high
Never surrender, Never say die!

Raise her high out in the yard
When times are good, when times are hard

A symbol, yes, but so much more
She's the woven fabric of our nation's soul

She scaled the rubble after the towers fell
And Suribachi, over Iwo's hell

She says to the curse, you will not win
I stand for what we are within

This country will be your toughest yet
You might bruise us, but you can bet

That when it's over we'll still stand
At the ballpark, with our neighbors, heart under hand

Where we'll proudly salute her beneath the sun
One nation, indivisible, every color, every creed, everyone

Model 1814 U.S. Flag at Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine, Baltimore, MD

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